Friday, May 30, 2008

Even people in Kenya are bored.

So I am so bored today that I literally did a google image search on the word "bored." This image caught my attention. Its from a wikipedia article. The picture is literally called "Bored Women In Kenya."

What the hell do they have to be bored about??? They don't work desk jobs! Makes me sick. I want to go over there and say "You know, there are desk jockeys in America who would love some of your exciting time and Kenya Adventuring, and you SQUANDER it!"

And then they are all like "Well then they can come over here and take it from us." To which I reply "Ug" and then go play Solitaire again.

Seriously though (HA just kidding) I am sitting at work. I have LOTS I could be doing but am not because a) it is Friday, and b) EVERYONE IS GOLFING TODAY BUT ME AND LISA! Why the hell should I work when no one else is? WHY?

And don't say "because of your values and hard workmanship" or any bull like that. Also, someone is calling me right now with a local phone number who is not saved in my phone. If I don't know you, I am not answering, EVEN AS BORED AS I AM!

Let's see who it was...

... checking...

... ok it was my Doctor's office reminding me of my appointment next week. I guess they are allowed to call me.

Yesterday Colleen said something about "Little People" and I said that I hated them. Not because of the "little" part. No. I hate them for the "People" part. If they were smart they would choose something else. I just plane don't like people. Do I like Blacks? YES! Do I like Black People? No. Same for white people, asian people, hispanic people. If you want me to like your race, leave the "People" part out of it. I just hate people.

What the hell was I talking about? Oh yes, boredom. Well, Dan just showed up. Time to act busy. Guess no one invited him golfing either... HA!

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